What the short name is for
When you set up a trial on WebCollect, we ask you to provide a short name for the organisation. Please pick something short and without spaces or special characters. The name must be unique, so if you pick something that is already being used by another organisation, we will tell you that it is not available.
The short name is used to make up the web page address for your organisation's pages on WebCollect. For example, if you pick "myorg", your organisation's pages will be:
- Home: https://webcollect.org.uk/myorg
- Subscriptions page: https://webcollect.org.uk/myorg/subscription
- Event category: https://webcollect.org.uk/myorg/category/categoryname
- Event: https://webcollect.org.uk/myorg/event/eventname
Changing your short name
If you want to change your short name, we have a script that we can run, to change the short name for you. Just drop us an email with the short name that you would like to use. You can check whether a short name is available by typing the webpage address into your browser to see if someone else is already using it.
Things that you should do if you change your short name
When we change the short name for an organisation, we don't automatically re-direct people who go to the old pages. This is because we like to free up the short names for other people to use. So if you have been asking others to try out the software, or have been using it in earnest, then here's a checklist of things that you may need to do:
- Change any links on your website that link to WebCollect. Any links that you have already set up that link to any of your WebCollect pages will be broken.
Resend any emails. If you have
already sent emails to your members that contained links (e.g.
for them to login), those links will be broken. Send them an
email with the new links, and include a reminder that they will
need to update any bookmarks that they have
- Update your html if you have embedded WebCollect on your site.