Members associated, covered by or "can manage" subscriptions

Background explanation

It seems such a simple request "For these subscriptions, give me a list of members..".  However when it comes to group and junior subscriptions it is not always straightforward.  What we have found is that the list of members that organisations want to see, varies depending on what they want to do.  So we have given you some options.  This article is here to give you some suggestions on when to use each option.  We have also put a detailed technical explanation of what is going on behind the scenes for those who like to get "under the hood" and know what is going on.

My organisation doesn't use groups

If you don't use the groups functionality for your organisation, then it doesn't matter which one you pick.  They will all give you the same list of members.

Where do these options show?

On the Subscriptions screen, once you have selected the subscriptions you are interested in, and clicked on the filter, click on the "Show Me" dropdown.  Here you will see the following options:

  • Members associated
  • Members covered
  • Members who can manage

Clicking on any of these options takes you to the Members List screen, with the relevant set of Members listed.  Once you are on the member's screen, you can switch between these options.

Which one do I want?

Here are our suggestions on which one to use, depending on what it is you want to do:

I want to.... Use....
See how many members we have Covered by....
Send a renewal reminder email Who can manage..
Print renewal reminder snail mail letters Single member per subscription
Create an email list/send an email Covered by..
Export my data (for backup/record keeping) Associated with...
Export my data (to mail merge for membership stickers) Covered by...
Export my data (to mail merge/send renewal letters) Single member per subscription

What do each of the options really do?

Associated with

This gives you the broadest set of possible members.  For each subscription type, these are the members you will see listed:

  • Individual:  the member who this subscription belongs to, plus if they are in a group, any other group admin (who can manage/renew that subscription)
  • Group:  everyone in the group
  • Junior:  everyone in the group
  • Other:  If the subscription belongs to someone who is not in a group, that individual member.  If it belongs to someone in a group (or belongs to the group itself), everyone in that group.

Covered by

This will just give you the members who actually have the benefit of that subscription.  For example, you won't see the parents of a junior member listed.  

  • Individual:  the member who this subscription belongs to (is covered by)
  • Group:  everyone in the group
  • Junior:  the junior member who the subscription belongs to (is covered by)
  • Other:  If the subscription belongs to an individual, that individual member.  If it belongs to a group, everyone in that group.

Managed by

This gives you the members who can manage/renew the subscriptions.  This is the one to use if you are chasing members for their money!  For each subscription type, these are the members you will see listed:

  • Individual:  the member who this subscription belongs to, plus if they are in a group, any other group admin (who can manage/renew that subscription)
  • Group:  the group admins for the group
  • Junior:  the group admins in the group that the junior is a member of (in most cases, this will not be the junior themselves..)
  • Other:  If the subscription belongs to someone who is not in a group, that individual member.  If it belongs to someone in a group (or belongs to the group itself), the group admins.

Single Member per Subscription

This one is useful for organisations that just want to contact each group/family once.  This is particularly useful if you don't want to pay postage on multiple snail mail letters to the same address.  The system does its best to pick the most useful person in the group for you to contact (e.g. has a valid email address).  For each subscription type, these are the members you will see listed:

  • Individual:  If the member is not in a group, the individual member.  If the member is in a group, either that individual or another group admin 
  • Group:  One of the group admins
  • Junior:  One of the group admins
  • Other:  If the subscription belongs to someone who is not in a group, that individual member.  If it belongs to someone in a group (or belongs to the group itself), one of the group admins.