What do I do if the member places a new order instead of completing the application?

This applies to members who have placed an application order to join your organisation.  When the member is approved, the system automatically sends the member an email, confirming their application has been accepted, and providing them with a link to the order, to complete the process by making payment.

In the majority of cases, the member will click on the link in the email and complete the checkout process.  This will convert the order from an application order, into a normal order.  However, occasionally, you may find that the member places a new order for their subscription, resulting in them having 2 orders in the system:

  • One order left on order status Application Accepted (their original application)
  • A second order for the purchase of the subscription

How to Check if they have placed a second order

To get a list of everyone with an outstanding approved, but uncompleted application, on the Orders screen, select Order Status:  Application Accepted, and click on the filter button.  Click on the member's name in the list (this will take you to the member's page).  Scroll down to the orders section, and check to see if there is more than order there.

Tidying up if they have placed a second order

To keep things tidy, you may want to cancel the original application order (particularly if you use the order status filter: Application Accepted as a way of checking on who needs chasing to complete their membership application).  You can cancel the order by updating the order status to cancelled.  We recommend that you untick the notify box in this case, because the member is likely to be confused by the email.