Why can't I see an event on the events list?

There are a few possible reasons why your event is not showing on the events list.  Go to the event page in the admin panel, and check whether any of the following apply:

  • The event is not published.  If the event is not published, it will not be visible to anyone
  • The event is not public.  If the event is not public, it will not be visible to anyone who is not an administrator
  • The event is members only.  If the event is members only, it will only be viewable to authorised members WHO ARE LOGGED IN.  You can test this by viewing the event public page both when you are logged in, and not logged in. 
  • All of the event dates are in the past.  Note:  if you have configured a sell to date which is in the future, the event will still show on the event list, even if the actual date(s) of the event is in the past.
  • You are looking at an event category page, and the event is not in that category.  Check the URL (webpage address) for the public page that you are looking at.  If the URL includes the word "category", you are on an event category page, not the home page.  The structure for an event category page URL is https://webcollect.org.uk/SHORTNAME/category/CATEGORYNAME