Can Event Organisers create an event?

Currently, members with the WebCollect role Event Organiser can manage an event, changing the event details, view bookings.  However, they can't create events.  

We have had a few requests for this feature, and are currently evaluating whether, and how, to add it.  If it would be of interest to your organisation, drop us an email letting us know how you might use it. 

  • Would you want them to have free access to create events? 
  • Should there be some kind of restriction, for example they can create the event, but someone with the role of administrator would need to publish it (so that you can monitor what they are doing)
  • Would you want to be able to restrict them to creating events within a particular event category?

The Event Organiser role can also be used to give a member limited access to sending email to a list.  For those organisations that use the role for this purpose alone (ie not for events), would you want to be able to prevent a particular Event Organiser from creating events?