Can we collect money into multiple bank accounts?

No, sorry.  The system will only allow you to configure one bank account per organisation.  We know that some organisations have separate bank accounts for membership subscriptions, and events for example.  However, this is not something that we intend to accommodate. 

The reason is that WebCollect allows members to purchase multiple items at the same time (e.g. buy a ticket for the Christmas party, at the same time as renewing their membership).   If we were to allow organisations to specifiy separate bank accounts for each transaction, we would need to handle all that in checkout:  Please pay £x to this account and £Y to that account.  This would potentially be really confusing for the member.  Plus it would cause some other related issues (e.g. with discounts in admin checkout).  We do spend quite a bit of time working out the trade-offs between adding features that we know some organisations would like, and keeping the software simple enough for people to set up and use.  This is one where we have decided not to go there, at least for the moment.

Accounting Codes

What you can do is to use the accounting codes feature, to help you keep track of what the money that you have received relates to.  Allocate an accounting code to each subscription / event.  These codes will be included in the Payment Report