Cleaning or deleting your test data

Cleaning up your Test Data

After trying out the system, if you decide to go ahead and use it for your organisation, you may want to have a clean up of all those test orders, forms etc, so you can start with a clean slate.  We have a "clean up script" that tidies up for you (exact details of what it does below).  When you are ready to go, just drop us an email asking us to run the script for you, and letting us whether you want all of the data cleared, or just some (please specify which).  No charge - it's all part of the service, and we are happy to run it as often as you want.

The clean up script options:

  • Orders, Tickets, Payments and Member Accounts: deletes
    • all orders that have been placed.  This includes orders that had real payments made via Paypal or GoCardless.  They won't be deleted or reversed in Paypal or GoCardless, so you will need to reverse the payment separately. 
    • all event tickets.  This won't delete the events themselves, just the tickets that have been purchased.  If you have set a capacity for the event, the clear down will reset this automatically, so you won't need to adjust anything.
    • all payments (if you have recorded payments to/from a member (separate to order payments)
    • member accounts
  • Subscriptions:  deletes all member subscriptions (not the subscription product itself, but the purchases by members of that subscription)
  • Form Data: deletes all form data (ie the details members completed on the forms, but not the forms themselves)
  • Members: deletes all members, other than those who have WebCollect role "creator", "adminstrator" or "event co-ordinator".  If you want to keep some of the members that you have already added, give them an "administrator" role, then remove that role once we have run the script.
  • Emails/SMS sent:  deletes all of the emails/sms sent.

It will not touch the organisation details you have configured, payment methods, subscriptions, forms, reports.  If you have subscriptions and forms that you want to delete, but can't because they have data stored against them, then you will be able to delete them once the script has run.

Note:  We can't run selective clean ups (e.g. some orders but not others), as it gets messy.  So if you want a cleardown, please ask before you get to the stage of real orders being placed.