Complex Event With Multiple Purchases: An example

This example demonstrates how you can link together multiple events, to lead a member through the purchasing process to buy tickets for multiple items as part of a complex event. In this example, we have linked 3 events together:

  • Entry Fee
  • Event Dinner tickets
  • Event T-Shirt

Click here to see how to configure this in the administration panel.

Step 1:  Entry Fee

When the member arrives on the first event page, they are shown a progress bar, showing the number of steps and where they are in the process.  Next buttons guide them through the process.

Step 1 - click to enlarge Step 1 Basket - click to enlarge

Step 2:  Dinner Tickets

On the second event page, the member can see where they are in the process.  Next and previous buttons enable them to go forwards or backwards through the process.  Note:  Members can skip a step if it is not relevant, by clicking on the Next button without adding an item to their basket. 

Step 2 - click to enlarge Step 3 - click to enlarge

Step 3:  Event T-shirt

On the final event page, the progress bar shows that the member is on the final step, and no Next button is shown.  The member can go back using the previous button.

Admin Configuration

Click here to see how to configure this in the administration panel.