Gift Aid

Gift Aid Declarations

If your club, society or association is a registered charity or CASC, you can obtain your members' gift aid declarations online using forms.  There is no set format for how a gift aid declaration must be worded, but HMRC provides details of what must be collected.  The information includes:

  • the name of your charity or CASC
  • the donor's full name - as a minimum initial and last name
  • the donor's home address - as a minimum the house number and postcode
  • a statement showing which donations are covered by the declaration
  • a statement or verbal confirmation by the donor that Gift Aid is to apply - on a written form or on a website, a tick box is sufficient

How to collect this information on the WebCollect site

You can collect this information using forms, either a subscription form or an event form, depending on what type of payment the member is making.  You don't need to include the charity's name in the form (we already have it).  Only ask for the donor's name and address in the form if these might be different from the name and address already provided by the member.

Statement about donations and Gift Aid applying:  We recommend you use a "checkbox" question type with text something like this (just our suggestion and you should satisfy yourself the wording is ok..):

I confirm that Gift Aid applies to the total amount I am paying in this order

Downloading information for your Gift Aid Repayment Claim Form

You can download the information you need to complete the gift aid repayment form r68(i), by configuring a custom report.