I don't want my juniors to have to be in a group with an adult

If you have made the subscription product type: Junior, then the system is expecting the junior to be in a group with an adult.  This is a key feature of the junior subscription product type.  We do this, because the vast majority of organisations that have junior members want to collect contact details for a responsible adult.


I am still trialling the system

You can't change a subscription product's type once it has been created.  So, you need to create a new subscription product for your junior membership and this time select product type:  Individual.  

Deleting the old junior membership subscription product.  If anyone has purchased the subscription product, or you have imported membership subscriptions, then you will no longer be able to delete the old subscription product.  You can see whether it can be deleted by clicking on View All in the Subscription Products section.  In the right hand column you will see either (cannot be removed) or a remove link.  

If the subscriptions purchased are just test data, then you can ask us to run the cleardown script for you to remove the test data.  You will then be able to delete the subscription product.  If you have imported subscriptions or have real data, then edit the subscription product.  Change the name to old and unpublish the product.  Note:  This means that no one will be able to renew these subscriptions, so consider carefully if you want to do this.

We are live with the system or have imported subscriptions

It is quite messy to change the subscription product type once you are live.   You will need to ask us to take a data dump of the existing member subscriptions, remove those subscriptions and re-upload them into the new subscription product.  We do have to charge for doing this, as it can be quite time consuming to do it.  Please consider really carefully if this is the way you want to go.  Then please drop us an email explaining what you want to do, and we can let you know what the cost will be.