Linking to WebCollect from my organisation's website

 Where to create links and buttons

In the administration panel, in the section called "Connect WebCollect", click on "Buttons for use on other websites".  You will then be asked to select which page you want to link to.  Choose from:

  • Organisation's home page on WebCollect.  
  • Available subscriptions.  This is your page on WebCollect with all the subscriptions available for members to purchase
  • Member home for your organisation.  This will take members to their login page on WebCollect.  Once they have logged in, they will be on their home page for your organisation.  [Note:  this is different to their general home page on WebCollect, where they can see all of the organisations that they are a member of].  On this page, they can see:
    • a list of your upcoming events
    • subscriptions that they have purchased for your organisation
    • orders that they have placed with your organisation
  • Member subscriptions for your organisation.  This is the page where they can see what subscriptions they have, and renew their subscriptions
  • Event category.  Use this link to direct members to an event category.  E.g. "Click here to view all social events".  You will be asked to select the category from a dropdown list.
  • Event.  Use this link to direct members to a specific event.  E.g. "Click here to buy tickets for the Christmas party".  You will be asked to select the event from a dropdown list.

Customising your link or button

In the link text box, you will see our suggested text for the link or button.  On the right hand side, in the "Sample" column, you can see how the link or button would look on your site. If you want to change the text, type in your version and click on "update".  This will change the code and the sample version.

Once you are done, copy the HTML source code that you want (text or button) and paste it into code on your site.