Member Account Balance

The member account balance is the net amount that is owing between the member and the organisation.

  • A positive green balance is money owed by the organisation to the member.  Members with positive balances are listed as Creditors in Admin Home.
  • A negative red balance is money owed by the member to the organisation.  Members with negative balances are listed as Debtors in Admin Home.

You can see an individual member's account balance by going to their member page in the admin panel.  You can see a list of the member accounts with a non-zero balance in the right hand column on Admin Home.

Member Page - click to enlarge Admin Home - click to enlarge

How does a member account get a non-zero balance?

The majority of your members will have a zero balance on their member account.  The possible ways for this to become non-zero are:

  • You void an individual order item in an order.
  • When updating the order status of an order, you record the amount received to be an amount that is different to the amount of the order
  • You record a payment from/to a member on the member account page.

Note:  A member placing an order, which remains on order placed does not create a non-zero balance.

If a member has a non-zero balance, and you want to know why, click on the link to go to their member account page to view the payment transactions.