Operator administrative role in WebCollect

The Operator role receives some additional automated reports. This role should be assigned in addition to the Administrative Role. The Operator role does not itself provide access rights to the administration panel.

Anyone with Creator role can give another member Operator role access.

Additional activities that Operator role Can Do

These are activities above and beyond what a normal administrator role can do.


Can update the order status of an order.

Automated Email Reports received by someone with the Operator role

  • Receives a new member's report by email (daily with the name and email address of new members that have joined the previous day).  This report also goes to those with Creator role.

  • Receives a new membership application report by email (daily with the name of the applicant and order number, for new applications placed the previous day).  This report also goes to those with Creator role.

  • Receives the Orders Report email (daily with the order number, purchaser's name, order total and payment method) for all orders that were placed the previous day.