View a summary of all event bookings

To see a summary of all your event bookings together, from the administration panel, click on Bookings Report in the Events section

Adjust the start and end date to run the report for the period you want. Note:  this is the date of the event, not the date on which the members booked.  So if the Christmas party is on 1st December, you can run the report for the 1st December, even through some members booked in November.

Bookings Report - click to enlarge

When you run the report, it will display, for each event in your date range, the following:

  • Order number. Click on this to see the full order details
  • Purchased by.  This is the name of the member who purchased the ticket.  Note:  This may not be the same as the participant for the event.  If you are using the Unique Id field for members, the unique id will be shown brackets after the member's name.
  • Price Type.  If you configured more than one price for the event, which price they paid
  • Any additional fields you see will be fields from the form you configured which had the "In Summary" box ticked.  If you are not seeing all the fields you want, edit the form, find the relevant field and tick the "In Summary" box.  See here for details on how to edit forms.  You can also click on View/Edit to see all the form fields completed for each ticket.

Any bookings for which you have not yet received payment, are shown in red.

If you click on the event name itself, you will see the summary for that event alone.  From there you can print your summary.

To export the data, click on Export as CSV.  The CSV file will contain:

  • Order number
  • Order date
  • Purchaser.  This is the name of the member who purchased the ticket.  Note:  This may not be the same as the participant for the event.
  • Purchaser email
  • Whether the order has been paid or not.
  • Payment Method.  Which payment method the member chose, when placing the order
  • Price Type.  If you configured more than one price for the event, which price they paid
  • Amount (inclusive and exclusive of tax)
  • all the form fields completed by members, not just the ones displayed in the summary.

The CSV file will be divided into sections for each Event/Date.

Bookings Report Download - click to enlarge

Bookings for deleted members

If a member has been removed from the organisation, their booking will no longer be listed.  However, a count of deleted bookings will show at the top of the list.  Click here for details.