Why is my order on Payment Problem?

The reason depends on the payment method used to place the order

Direct Debit Orders

Orders placed via the direct debit payment method will be updated to order status Payment Problem automatically, if the payment fails for some reasonClick here for details on whether you can retry the payment.  If you can't retry the payment, update the order to order status Cancelled, and ask the member to place the order again.  If they want to pay via direct debit, they will need to set up a new DD authorisation.

Paypal Orders

Payment by Paypal is an instant payment method (ie the funds are transferred to your Paypal account at the time the order is placed).  If there is a problem with the payment, in the vast majority of cases, the order will fail without being placed.  The member is told at the time they try to place the order that there is a problem, and they are given the opportunity to go back to Paypal to try again.  

Very occasionally, an order may get created and subsequently fail, in which case you will see the order on order status Payment Problem.  If that happens, the order will not progress.  You should update the order to order status Cancelled and ask the member to place the order again.

Credit/Debit Card Orders (SagePay)

Payment by card is an instant payment method (ie the funds are taken from the member's account/card at the time the order is placed).  If there is a problem with the payment, in the vast majority of cases, the order will fail without being placed.  The member is told at the time they try to place the order that there is a problem, and they are given the opportunity to try again.  

Very occasionally, an order may get created and subsequently fail, in which case you will see the order on order status Payment Problem.  If that happens, the order will not progress.  You should update the order to order status Cancelled and ask the member to place the order again.

Cash / Cheque / Bank Transfer / Offline Recurring Orders

The updating of order statuses for these payment methods is always manual (ie an administrator updates the order status in the administration panel).  If any order is on order status Payment Problem, it will be because an administrator has updated the order to that status.  You can see who updated the order, by viewing hte order status history section on the order page in the admin panel.