Auto-renew Subscriptions Report Email

Who receives the Email and when

The auto renew subscriptions report email is sent to administrators with role Creator or Accountant. It contains a summary of how many subscriptions were automatically renewed, and details of those that weren't.

In the summary section the report lists the number of subscriptions that were:

  • renewed. 
  • skipped
  • failed.

Skipped Subscriptions

Pending renewal order exists

This happens where the member (or an administrator on their behalf) has placed an order to renew the subscription, and the order has not yet been updated to order status Payment Received.  

Failed Subscriptions

The possible reasons an auto-renew may fail  are:

No suitable GoCardless Preauthorisation found. None exist or not enough funds left. 

This happens where the subscription was purchased/renewed the previous time by Direct Debit, but the member does not currently have a valid pre-authorisation, on which funds can be drawn.  This may happen if:

  • When the member set up the DD, they elected not to allow future payments on the DD
  • The member has cancelled the pre-authorisation
  • There are insufficient funds remaining on the authorisation, to enable the payment to be made.

In all these cases, you will need to ask the member to renew their subscription, setting up a new DD during checkout (or selecting an alternative payment method).  The simplest way to make this happen, is to send the member the subscription renewal email.

No suitable last order found

There are a couple of reasons why there may be no suitable last order:

  • The subscription was imported, and no order has been placed in relation to the subscription.  The auto-renew can't run, as it doesn't know which payment method to allocate to the renewal order. 
  • The last order was paid for by Paypal, Debit/Credit card or Cash.  Both these payments require the member to place the order.  The order cannot be placed by an administrator, or the system during auto-renewal.

You need to ask the member to place an order (or place the order on their behalf) using a payment method other than Paypal or Debit/Credit Card.  Then the next time the subscription comes up for renewal, the system will automatically renew it, using the same payment method.

Not manageable by...

This occurs where the person who purchased/renewed the subscription the previous time, is no longer entitle d to manage the subscription.  This most likely scenario for this, is where the purchaser, and the owner of the subscription are no longer in the same group.

You will need to ask the owner (or the group admin for their group) to renew the subscription.

Could not identify a suitable purchaser. .... is no longer linked to your organisation

The person who purchased/renewed the subscription last time is no longer linked to your organisation.

You will need to ask the owner (or the group admin for their group) to renew the subscription.