Creator administrative role in WebCollect

The Creator role is a super-user role that has rights to do everything.   The person who creates the trial organisation in WebCollect is automatically given Creator role access.  Anyone with Creator role can give another member Creator role access.

This article outlines the various activities that on the Creator role can do, and lists the automated reports that a person with Creator role will receive.

Activities that Creator role Can Do

Roles and Access

Only the Creator role can give administrative rights to other members of the organisation. Click here for details on how to provide administrative access to other members.

Managing Members

Remove members from an organisation.

Managing Subscriptions

Change the start date and end date of a subscription

Permanently delete a subscription


Delete fields (questions) from forms where the form has been completed by someone.  This is one of those things that you may want to do occasionally, but you don't want to do accidentally!  When you delete a field (question) from a form, you will lose all the information members have provided for that field (answers)

Email Lists

Can always see "all email lists", without being a member of the list.

Payment Methods

Add/remove or edit the configuration for a payment method


Can change the payment method of an order.

Bulk Delete

Can bulk delete members from the organisation.

Delete Form Data

Can delete form data.

Automated Email Reports received

  • Receives a new member's report by email (daily with the name and email address of new members that have joined the previous day).  This report also goes to those with Operator role.

  • Receives a new membership application report by email (daily with the name of the applicant and order number, for new applications placed the previous day).  This report also goes to those with Operator role.

  • Receives the auto-renew report.  This report provides details of how many subscriptions were auto-renewed, and information on any that did not renew. This report also goes to those with Accountant role.

  • Receives the Subscription Issues Email

 Automated Email Reports Not Received by Creators

  • Payment Summary report.  This is sent to those with the Accountant role
  • SagePay errors report.This is sent to those with the Accountant role.  Only applies to organisations with Credit/Debit card payment method activated.
  • Event booking report for an event.  This is only sent to the person who is the Email Contact for the event.