Filtering using partial information

Membership and Subscription Filters

The filters in the membership and subscription sections of the administration panel allow you to filter and find a list of members or subscriptions using any information you have collected from your members.  Click here for details on filtering the members' list and click here for the subscriptions.

Partial Information Filters

Partial information filters are available in the members' section for:

  • first name
  • last name
  • email address
  • membership form fields that include long and short text

Partial information filters are available in the subscriptions section for subscription form fields that include long and short text.

How to filter with partial information

If you type in some text in a field, the results will show all members (or subscriptions) whose information includes that text.  So for example:

  • typing in Smit will give you all members whose surname is for example, Smith or Blacksmith
  • typing in will give you all members who don't have their own email address

It is not case sensitive, so typing in smith or Smith will give you the same results.

Special filters

If the general filter isn't giving you the set of members or subscriptions that you are after, try one of these special filters:

  • ^A will give you all members with a result beginning with A.  Useful for searching for all members with surnames beginning with a specific letter.
  • A$ will give you all members with a result ending in A. 
  • ^$ will give you members with empty fields

For those of you who are familiar with regular expressions, the code uses MySQL regular expressions.  Further examples can be found here.

Quick Search

The quick search boxes use a different type of search.  Just start typing and, once you have typed in 3 characters, a list of possible results will show as a dropdown.  This searches for the text you have typed in anywhere within the results.  So, typing in smit will give you all Smiths and Blacksmiths.