Team events

How you set a team entry event up, depends on whether you want a single form to be completed for the whole team, or a form per team member, and whether the teams pay a fixed price, or the price varies according to the number of members on the team.   This article describes, and links to examples of the alternative versions.

Who is entering?  The team or the team members?

For some events, it is the team that enters.  The list of bookings is a list of teams.  Whilst you may want to collect information about the individual team members, that is just sub-information about the team.  In this scenario, see the section below on Single Booking for the whole team.

For some events, it is the individuals that are entering/competing.  A single person may enter/pay for all the team members, but the list of bookings is a list of individual participants.  Information about what team they are in, is ancillary information about the team member.  In this scenario, see the section below on Individual Bookings for Team Members.

Single booking for the whole team

Click here for an example configuration for an event, where the price of entry is fixed for the team, regardless of the number of team members.

Click here for an example configuration for an event, where the price varies depending on the number of team members entered.

Individual bookings for team members

Click here for an example configuration for an event, where the price of entry is fixed for the team, regardless of the number of team members.