Team events: Example 3

This example is set for up the situation where:

  • you want a single person to be able to enter the team
  • you have multiple form fields that relate to each member of the team
  • you don't need to collect much/any information that is about the team itself
  • you want to display the names of the individual team members as entries (not the team)

Configure the event form

First configure an event form to collect the required information for each team member.  This is our suggestion for some of the form fields that you might want to consider:

  • Team Member First Name (Short Text Field.  Required.  In Summary.  Displayable Publicly)
  • Team Member Last Name (Short Text Field.  Required.  In Summary.  Displayable Publicly)
  • Team (Dropdown.  Required).  If you know the names of the teams that are expected to enter, you can create a dropdown list of the teams.  This makes it easy for the entrants to complete, and ensures you get a list with consistent spellings of names.  Otherwise use a short text box.
  • Emergency Contact Name (Short Text.  Required)
  • Emergency Contact Phone Number (Phone Field.  Required)
  • Do you have a medical condition that we should be aware of? (Radio button.  Default:  Yes Unticked)
    • Medical Conditions  (Multiple Checkbox with possible answers:  E.g. Asthma, Diabetes, Heart Condition, Blood Pressure, ie conditions that are relevant to the activity)
    • Other Medical Conditions  (Long Text Field)
  • Permission (Radio button.  Default:  Yes).  "I give permission for the Instructor or First-aider to administer any relevant treatment or medication to the named participant when/if necessary, or as provided."
  • Declaration  (Checkbox. Required).  "I have read and accepted the booking conditions" (linking to your Ts & Cs)

Team Example 3 Form - click to enlarge

Set Up the Event 

Next, create the event.  Click here for details on creating events.

Apart from the usual event description, image etc, here are our suggestions for the event settings for this type of team event:

Form Options

Select the form from the dropdown list.

Multi form filling box: Tick this box if you think that the same team members will be attending the different activities/dates in the date rows (then they will only have to fill out the form once per team member). Untick the box if they are likely to be different team members.  Click here for further details. 

Tick show purchases publicly, if you want to display the details of the team members that have entered.  Click here for more details.

Label Options

Step 1 Label:  If you are using the date rows for different activities, change the Step 1 label to something relevant (e.g. Select Activity, Select Class)

Step 2 Label:  Note:  this label may not show, depending on how you configure your date/price combinations (we don't show it if it's not necessary).  We suggest that you try changing it, and have a look at the Preview section below

Show quantity box:  Tick this box as you want purchasers to buy multiple ticket for the same date. Click here for more details.   

Multi-Step Navigation:  Use this if you want members to purchase tickets for other activities/events at the same time (e.g. meal tickets).  Click here for details.

Event Dates

Add one activity/event date per row.  Use the left hand links to open up and configure options for restricting capacity, setting start dates, etc.


Add the price for each team member.  If the activities/dates in the date rows cost different amounts, click on the plus sign and add further prices.  Then Save the event.  You will then be able to click on Show under the Combinations section. Untick any combinations that don't apply.  Click here for details on how this feature works.

Publishing Options

Published:  Tick 

Public: Tick

Members Only:  Untick

Open Events:  Tick

See here for full explanation of these options.

Team Example 3 Admin - click to enlarge


What your members will see

Team Example 3 - click to enlarge


Other Examples

Click here to view an example, with a single booking for the team, where the entry price is fixed for the team, regardless of the number of members

Click here to view an example, with a single booking for the team, where the price varies depending on the number of team members entered