What do I do if I accidentally cancel an order?

You can't undo the cancellation of the order.  You will need to ask the member to place another order, or place the order on their behalf.  What you should do, depends on which payment method was involved, and whether the member had paid or not.  Here are our suggestions on what to do:

Payment has been received

  • Cash/Cheque/Bank transfer:  Place an order on the member's behalf.  You will need to copy across any form details that they completed (subscription and event forms).  Update the order status to Payment Received.
  • Paypal:  Cancelling the order will not have refunded the money.  You can't place an admin order using Paypal, so place the order using cash, cheque or bank transfer.  Update the order status to Payment Received.  Put a note on the order that the payment was actually made by Paypal.
  • Credit/Debit card.  Cancelling the order will have refunded the money.  You will need to ask the member to place the order again.
  • Online Direct debit. Cancelling the order will not have refunded the money.  You shouldn't use Direct Debit as the payment method when placing the admin order (as it would take the money a second time).  So place the order using cash, cheque or bank transfer.  Update the order status to Payment Received.  Put a note on the order that the payment was actually made by Direct Debit.

Payment not yet received

  • Cash/Cheque/Bank transfer:  Place an order on the member's behalf.  You will need to copy across any form details that they completed (subscription and event forms)
  • Online Direct debit. Cancelling an order in WebCollect does not currently cancel the payment in GoCardless' system.  The direct debit payment will go through if you haven''t canceled the payment via the GoCardless administration panel. Pllace an admin order using cash, cheque or bank transfer.  Don't use Direct Debit, as this will take the payment a second time.   Update the order status to Payment Received.  Put a note on the order that the payment was actually made by Direct Debit.