What does Visible to non-admins mean?

This is an option when configuring a subscription product.  By default, this option is ticked.  This means that the subscription product can be viewed by members on the subscriptions page, purchased by them, and renewed by them.

If the option is unticked, the effect is:

  • The subscription product will not be shown on the subscriptions page to members, but will be visible to administrators who are logged in
  • Members will not be able to renew their subscription for that subscription product
  • Administrators will be able to renew the member's subscription via Admin Checkout

Unticking this option is useful:

  • For honorary subscription products, where you are not expecting the member to need to renew the subscription
  • For new subscription products that you are setting up/testing, but don't yet want to be available for members to purchase

Warning:  there are other configurable options which may prevent a subscription product from being displayed on the subscriptions page, even if Visible to non-admins has been ticked.  Click here for details on a list of other configuration options, and what they do.