Why can't I delete a subscription product?

You can only delete a subscription product if there are no members' subscriptions created for that product.

Testing Phase

If you are in testing phase, and don't have real subscriptions, then we can run the cleardown script for you.  This will delete all members' subscriptions in the system.  Once that has run, you will be able to delete the subscription product.

Real Data

If you have real subscriptions in the system, cleardown is not an option (even if the subscriptions for that subscription product are not real subscriptions).  You can:

  • Individually delete the members' subscriptions for that subscription product.  You can identify who has a subscription for that subscription product by going to the subscriptions page, and filtering by that subscription product in the Filter by Subscription details section.  Note:  You will lose the record of who had that subscription and for what period etc, if you delete the subscriptions.  However, you won't lose the order or financial history.
  • Unpublish the subscription product.  That ensures that no one can purchase or renew subscriptions for that subscription product.  You can rename it OLD or some other notation, so that it is easy to see in the admin panel that it is no longer used.
  • Put the subscription product into an archive category.