Paypal Set-Up: Granting API permissions

Setting up a Paypal account

If you don't yet have a Paypal account, click here for details on creating a business account.

If you have a Paypal account, but have not completed all of the steps to enable you to receive payments, see the following:

Note:  You have to complete all of the set-up requirements before you will be able to receive payments via WebCollect.

Granting API Access

Go to your Paypal homepage.  Click on API Access.

On the API Access page, scroll down to the Pre-Built Payment Solution section and click on Grant API permissions.

Select add API user.

Type in the following:

If you see this error:  "This user has already been authorised.  Please enter another API account name or go back and use "Edit" if you want to add more calls to this user's authorisation list." you have already added WebCollect to your Paypal account.  Click on Edit, and double-check that you have ticked the options below.

In the Available Permissions section, tick the following options:

  • Use PayPal Express Checkout to process payments.
  • Issue a refund for a specific transaction.
  • Process your customers credit or debit card payments.
  • Authorise and capture your PayPal transactions.
  • Create and manage PayPal payment buttons on your website.
  • Obtain information about a single transaction.

Click on Add.

Check that you get a green message saying "You have successfully added".  If you don't try re-adding.

Next Steps

Once you have completed all of the set-up steps on the PayPal site, and granted API permissions, you are ready to activate your PayPal account on WebCollect.