Administrator role in WebCollect

The administrator role is what you should consider giving to most admin users.   They have view/create/edit rights to most areas of the administration panel. 

As an alternative, there are 3 roles which have greater rights:  Creator, Accountant, Operator.   There is one role with less rights:  Event Co-Ordinator.

Activities that Administrative Role can do


Can view/edit members' details.  Can add new members (but not remove them from the organisation).  Can authorise new members.


Can create/edit subscription products.  Can create new subscriptions (by placing an order on behalf of a member).  Cannot change start/end dates of individual subscriptions, or delete subscriptions.  Can view subscription products that are ticked Visible to Admins only.


Can create/edit events.  Can view bookings, print summary reports.  Can email event participants.  Can view events that are not Public.


Can create forms,  add new form fields.  Configure forms as membership, subscription or event forms.


Can send emails/SMS to members.  Can view their own email lists.  Can create email lists.


Can view orders.  Can place an order on a member's behalf.