Can members unsubscribe from emails?

Every email that the system sends to members (both the ones that an administrator sends, and the automated emails (e.g. order confirmation emails), contain an unsubscribe message at the bottom:

If you do not wish to receive such emails please contact [YOUR ORGANISATION NAME] at [the organisation email address that you have configured] or reply to this email.

So, if a member wants to unsubscribe, they will contact the organisation.  Very rarely they contact WebCollect, in which case we forward the request onto the organisation.  

If a member contacts you, asking to unsubscribe, we recommend that you explain to them that if they unsubscribe, they will not receive any emails.  That includes subscription renewal emails, and order related emails.  

It is very rare for a current member of an organisation to ask to unsubscribe.  However, here are some tips to prevent it happening:

  • If you send a lot of email to your members, not all of which is relevant to all members, in order to prevent your members receiving unwanted email, consider using email lists, and sending emails only to those for whom it is relevant. Members can unsubscribe themselves from individual lists.
  • If you have people associated with your organisation, who are not current members (e.g. lapsed members, or non-members who booked on an event), consider whether the emails that you are sending out are relevant for them.   See here for details on how to select which group to email.

If they insist on unsubscribing, then you can remove their email address from their member record.  Go to their member page in the admin panel.  Click on Edit at the bottom of the left hand column.  Delete their email address from the email box, and click on save.  The system will automatically assign them a email address, so that they can login to their account.  You will need to tell them what that email address is.  

If they are not a current member, you could alternatively consider removing them from the organisation.