Errors when importing junior subscriptions

If you create a subscription product and select type:  Junior, that subscription product type requires the junior member, to be in a group with an adult.  See here for details on junior subscriptions.

When you import the juniors' current subscriptions, if a junior is not in a group with an adult,  the import will not allow the subscription to be imported. 

In this case, you have a couple of options:

1) Create a group for each junior.  Add an adult to the group (giving the adult group admin rights).  If you don't have any details for the adult, you can create "Parent Smith" etc.  You don't have to have an email address for them (but if you have currently got the parent's email address stored against the child, then you should move it over).  Then the subs will import fine.

2) Change the subscription product to type "Individual" (which doesn't require the junior to be in a group with an adult).

Generally we recommend option 1).  If you make the subscription product type individual, you will start getting children who have the parent's email address stored against the child.  That starts being a problem if they have more than one child, or are a member of another organisation on WebCollect.

If you go for option 2, you will need to edit the subscription product and change the type.