What do I do if a member leaves the organisation?

If a member tells you that they are leaving the organisation, you can do the following:

Mark the Subscription as Not to be Renewed

Click here for details on how to mark a subscription as expired.

Remove the Member from a Group

If the member is in a group in WebCollect, you can remove the member from the group.  

Remove the Member from the organisation

You don't have to remove the member, but you can if you want to.  Click here for details on how to remove a member, and what gets removed.

Refunding the Member

If the member is leaving the organisation part way through the subscription period, and you want to refund them part of their membership fee, then you will need to do that outside of WebCollect.  We don't currently have a feature to specifically handle this, and as it is quite rare, we don't have plans to roll out a solution in the immediate future.