Order status email

The order status email is sent when the order status is updated.  It is not sent on every order status update, and when it happens depends on which payment method has been used to place the order.  When the order status is updated manually by an administrator, they have the option to tick/untick the notify box, to determine whether an update email is sent.  Click on the links below to see when the email is sent automatically/can be sent by the administrator, for each payment method:

Contents of the email


The header of the email contains:

  • the logo uploaded for the organisation (or the default logo if none uploaded)
  • the organisation name (clickable to the organisation home page on WebCollect)
  • link to the member's account page for the organisation
  • small WebCollect logo


The email is addressed to

Dear [member first name, member last name]

Order Number: [order number]

Order Date: [date/time]

Payment Method: [Cash, cheque, direct debit etc...]

Order Status: [current order status]

The status of your order has been updated, as shown above.

You can check on the status of your order at any time, by going to [link to order] in your account.

Issuing of Tickets/Subscriptions

If the order status update was to Payment Received, then the order status email will include a confirmation that the event ticket or subscription has been issued, with links for the member to click on to view the relevant event ticket/subscription.  Event tickets are also attached as a pdf to the email.

Customised Content

You can insert some customised content, which will go here. Note: the content will be included in all order confirmation emails, so we recommend that you don't make it specfic to a particular set of members, or related to individual subscriptions or events.


This section appears on every email:

If you have any questions in relation to this order, or the items it relates to, please contact your organisation at [organisation email address]

This email has been sent to you by WebCollect on behalf of [organisation name]. WebCollect is a software product for clubs, societies and small businesses. WebCollect is a trading name of Open Brackets Limited, registered number 04559247. Address: 31-33 Parr St, Poole BH14 0JX.

If you do no wish to receive such emails please contact [organisation name] at [organisation email address] or reply to this email.

Example Order Status emails

These are some examples of order status emails, illustrating the different types of content, depending on payment method and item purchased.

Order Status Example 1 - click to enlarge Order Status Example 2 - click to enlarge