Order Status email for event ticket

When an order is updated to Payment Received, a further Order Status email is sent with the ticket attached as as pdf, which the member can print off.  If the member pays using an online payment method (Paypal, card or direct debit), this happens automatically.  If they pay by cheque, cash or bank transfer, you must update the order status manually once the payment is received.  For orders for no payment, the order status is updated automatically to No Payment Required, and the order status email is sent automatically. 

The pieces of the email that are configurable by you are:

  • Your logo
  • The paragraph at the end of the email.  This is the Order status update email text.  Note:  The order status email is the same for subscription purchases, so if you customise this text, make sure it makes sense for all orders.


Order Status Email - click to enlarge