Sailing Club Template

The Sample Sailing Club has been tailored specifically for yacht and sailing clubs.

Using this template to create your trial organisation will provide you with a pre-made set of subscriptions and example events, together with tailored content.


The Sample Club comes with 4 types of subscription:

  • Individual adult membership: an annual subscription ending on 31st March, with reduced pricing for members who join part way through the year
  • Family membership: a group subscription
  • Junior membership:  A junior subscription, which requires parents to provide their contact details
  • Boat storage:  This has a form attached to collect boat information, and allocate storage space


You can change or remove these, and add new ones to suit. Note: If you want to change from a fixed end date subscription to a fixed period (or vice versa), you will need to remove the subscription product, and add a new one.


The Sample Club has multiple level event categories and various sample events set up:

  • Training sessions: Feva squad training.  Multi date event
  • Courses, RYA Level 3, Powerboat Level 2
  • Social events:  Fitting out supper
  • Open Regatta:  Optimist Regatta - a 2 step booking process, for entry and food bookings

These sample events have been designed to illustrate what is possible, and can easily be adapted. You can also remove the events and add new ones.

Click here for details on how to add, change or remove the event categories.


Membership Form

The Sample Membership Form is an interactive form, including:

  • Gender
  • Qualifications:  Multi-checkbox list
  • Experience. 
  • Preferred Duty type
  • Declaration and consent

The information provided in this form, can then be used to identify particular groups of members, all those with PB2

Training Form

The Training Form is an interactive form, including:

  • Boat details
  • Medical conditions
  • Emergency contact details
  • Declaration

Boat Form

The Boat Form is attached to the boat storage subscription, and includes:

  • Class
  • Saill Number
  • Boat Name
  • Boat storage space (viewable but not editable by the member)

To view/edit any of these forms, click on the Edit link next to the form in the Forms section. Click here for details on creating/editing forms.

Payment Methods

When you create a trial organisation, based on one of the templates, the trial will have cheques enabled to get you started. You can add other payment methods.


The sample organisation has content/wording that is relevant for a University Alumni Society, ready for you to tailor to your particular organisation. Click on edit in Customise your organisation. We recommend you go through each of the tabs in this section, and update the content where relevant. See details here.

What Next?

Great. So you now have a working trial. We suggest that you now:

  • Place some test orders, so you can see how the process will work for new members
  • Import your members (ask us to run the cleardown script first if you have added test members/orders)
  • Ask us to import your current subscriptions for you
  • Share it with your Committee and/or members
  • You may also want to embed WebCollect within your website.