When does the system send emails to members?

Emails triggered by a member's action

An email will be sent to the member, in the following situations:

Emails triggered by an Administrator's action

An email will be sent to the member, in the following situations:

  • The Administrator sends an email to members, using the "Send email", "Send Prepared Email" or "Send Renewal Email" options on the member list page.
  • The Administrator clicks on the member's email address on the member page, and sends them an email.
  • The Administrator manually updates the order status of an order, and leaves the "notify" option ticked.  This sends the order status update email
  • The Administrator clicks on the "Send New Password" link on the member's page.  This sends the member a password reset email
  • The Administrator places an order on the member's behalf, and leaves the "notify" option ticked.  This sends the member an order confirmation email.
  • The Administrator approves a member's application to join the organisation (for those organisations using the approval process).  This sends the member an email with a link to complete payment on their order.

Automated Emails triggered by the System

An email will be sent to the member, in the following situations:

  • Where the member has placed an order using Paypal or Online Direct Debit, the order status will be automatically updated to Payment Received, when the funds leaves the member's account/card.
  • Where the member has an auto-renewing subscription, and has previously placed an order using any payment method other than Cards or Paypal.  The member will receive an order confirmation email on the day that the subscription auto-renews.  Note:  If the member has previously placed an order using Online Direct Debit and the DD authorisation is current and valid, the system will auto-renew the subscription using that DD authorisation.  In this case, the member will also receive order status update emails when the funds are taken from their account a few days later.

Group Administrators

Where an email would have been sent to a member who is in a group, but that member's email address is not valid, the email will be sent to the Group Administrator instead.   This is useful if, for example, you have families where the children do not have valid email addresses.

Emails from Third Parties

WebCollect will never share your members' email addresses with third parties for marketing purposes!  The only emails that your members may receive from third parties are where they have chosen pay with Paypal or GoCardless, where they will receive a payment confirmation email from them.

Activities that don't trigger an email being sent

The following activities do not trigger an email being sent to the member:

  • Adding a new member via the administration panel
  • Importing a csv file of members
  • Importing members' subscriptions