Trialling the system

No Commitment Trial

If you are not sure whether WebCollect is the right service for you, try it out.  We have a 3 month no commitment free trial running.  No commitment really means no commitment.  We don't ask you for your card details and make you jump through a hundred hoops to get out of paying.  Just go ahead, register yourself and away you go...

Features to Try Out

Start by adding your organisation to WebCollect.  You can click on this link to get started.  You will then be asked to add a few details about your organisation. Information that is required is marked with a *.  Click here for more details on completing the form.

What you set up next depends on how you want to use WebCollect.  Below are links to help pages for the things that you can set up:

Once you have set up a payment method and an event or subscription, you can test what the experience will be like for your members.  

Cleaning up your Test Data

After trying out the system, if you decide to go ahead and use it for your organisation, you may want to have a clean up of all those test orders, forms etc, so you can start with a clean slate. Click here for details on what the options are.

Going Live

Actually, you already are ;-)  All you need to do is let your members know, and away you go. 

Paying for the Service

If you are nearing the end of your free trial period, you will receive an email from us, asking if you are ready to use the service for real.  If you haven't had an email yet, please drop us an email and let us know.  Let us know which membership level you are likely to be at during your first year.